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struct | CRRuleSet |
struct | CRAtImportRule |
struct | CRAtMediaRule |
struct | CRAtPageRule |
struct | CRAtCharsetRule |
struct | CRAtFontFaceRule |
CRStatement | |
CRStyleSheet |
gboolean cr_statement_does_buf_parses_against_core (const guchar *a_buf
,enum CREncoding a_encoding
: the buffer to parse.
: the character encoding of a_buf.
Tries to parse a buffer and says whether if the content of the buffer is a css statement as defined by the "Core CSS Grammar" (chapter 4 of the css spec) or not.
Returns TRUE if the buffer parses against the core grammar, false otherwise.
CRStatement * cr_statement_parse_from_buf (const guchar *a_buf
,enum CREncoding a_encoding
: the buffer to parse.
: the character encoding of a_buf.
Parses a buffer that contains a css statement and returns an instance of CRStatement in case of successful parsing. TODO: at support of "@import" rules.
Returns the newly built instance of CRStatement in case of successful parsing, NULL otherwise.
CRStatement * cr_statement_new_ruleset (CRStyleSheet *a_sheet
,CRSelector *a_sel_list
,CRDeclaration *a_decl_list
,CRStatement *a_media_rule
: the list of CRSimpleSel (selectors)
the rule applies to.
: the list of instances of CRDeclaration
that composes the ruleset.
: a list of instances of GString that
describe the media list this ruleset applies to.
Creates a new instance of CRStatement of type CRRulSet.
Returns the new instance of CRStatement or NULL if something went wrong.
CRStatement * cr_statement_ruleset_parse_from_buf (const guchar *a_buf
,enum CREncoding a_enc
: the buffer to parse.
: the character encoding of a_buf.
Parses a buffer that contains a ruleset statement an instanciates a CRStatement of type RULESET_STMT.
Returns the newly built instance of CRStatement in case of successful parsing, NULL otherwise.
CRStatement * cr_statement_new_at_import_rule (CRStyleSheet *a_container_sheet
,CRString *a_url
,GList *a_media_list
,CRStyleSheet *a_imported_sheet
: the url to connect to the get the file
to be imported.
: the imported parsed stylesheet.
Creates a new instance of CRStatment of type CRAtImportRule.
Returns the newly built instance of CRStatement.
CRStatement * cr_statement_at_import_rule_parse_from_buf (const guchar *a_buf
,enum CREncoding a_encoding
: the buffer to parse.
: the encoding of a_buf.
Parses a buffer that contains an "@import" rule and instanciate a CRStatement of type AT_IMPORT_RULE_STMT
Returns the newly built instance of CRStatement in case of a successful parsing, NULL otherwise.
CRStatement * cr_statement_new_at_media_rule (CRStyleSheet *a_sheet
,CRStatement *a_ruleset
,GList *a_media
: the ruleset statements contained
in the @media rule.
: the media string list. A list of GString pointers.
Instanciates an instance of CRStatement of type AT_MEDIA_RULE_STMT (@media ruleset).
CRStatement * cr_statement_at_media_rule_parse_from_buf (const guchar *a_buf
,enum CREncoding a_enc
: the input to parse.
: the encoding of the buffer.
Parses a buffer that contains an "@media" declaration and builds an @media css statement.
Returns the @media statement, or NULL if the buffer could not be successfully parsed.
CRStatement * cr_statement_new_at_charset_rule (CRStyleSheet *a_sheet
,CRString *a_charset
: the string representing the charset.
Note that the newly built instance of CRStatement becomes
the owner of a_charset. The caller must not free a_charset !!!.
Creates a new instance of CRStatement of type CRAtCharsetRule.
Returns the newly built instance of CRStatement or NULL if an error arises.
CRStatement * cr_statement_at_charset_rule_parse_from_buf (const guchar *a_buf
,enum CREncoding a_encoding
: the buffer to parse.
: the character encoding of the buffer.
Parses a buffer that contains an '@charset' rule and creates an instance of CRStatement of type AT_CHARSET_RULE_STMT.
Returns the newly built instance of CRStatement.
CRStatement * cr_statement_new_at_font_face_rule (CRStyleSheet *a_sheet
,CRDeclaration *a_font_decls
: a list of instances of CRDeclaration. Each declaration
is actually a font declaration.
Creates an instance of CRStatement of type CRAtFontFaceRule.
Returns the newly built instance of CRStatement.
CRStatement * cr_statement_font_face_rule_parse_from_buf (const guchar *a_buf
,enum CREncoding a_encoding
: the buffer to parse.
: the character encoding of a_buf.
Parses a buffer that contains an "@font-face" rule and builds an instance of CRStatement of type AT_FONT_FACE_RULE_STMT out of it.
Returns the newly built instance of CRStatement in case of successufull parsing, NULL otherwise.
CRStatement * cr_statement_new_at_page_rule (CRStyleSheet *a_sheet
,CRDeclaration *a_decl_list
,CRString *a_name
,CRString *a_pseudo
: a list of instances of CRDeclarations
which is actually the list of declarations that applies to
this page rule.
: the page rule selector.
Creates a new instance of CRStatement of type CRAtPageRule.
Returns the newly built instance of CRStatement or NULL in case of error.
CRStatement * cr_statement_at_page_rule_parse_from_buf (const guchar *a_buf
,enum CREncoding a_encoding
: the character buffer to parse.
: the character encoding of a_buf.
Parses a buffer that contains an "@page" production and, if the parsing succeeds, builds the page statement.
Returns the newly built at page statement in case of successful parsing, NULL otherwise.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_set_parent_sheet (CRStatement *a_this
,CRStyleSheet *a_sheet
: the current instance of CRStatement.
: the sheet that contains the current statement.
Sets the container stylesheet.
Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_get_parent_sheet (CRStatement *a_this
,CRStyleSheet **a_sheet
: the current CRStatement.
: out parameter. A pointer to the sheets that
Gets the sheets that contains the current statement.
Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.
CRStatement * cr_statement_append (CRStatement *a_this
,CRStatement *a_new
: the current instance of the statement list.
: a_new the new instance of CRStatement to append.
Appends a new statement to the statement list.
Returns the new list statement list, or NULL in cas of failure.
CRStatement * cr_statement_prepend (CRStatement *a_this
,CRStatement *a_new
: the current instance of CRStatement.
: the new statement to prepend.
Prepends the an instance of CRStatement to the current statement list.
Returns the new list with the new statement prepended, or NULL in case of an error.
CRStatement *
cr_statement_unlink (CRStatement *a_stmt
: the current statements list.
: the statement to unlink from the list.
Unlinks a statement from the statements list.
Returns the new list where a_to_unlink has been unlinked from, or NULL in case of error.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_ruleset_set_sel_list (CRStatement *a_this
,CRSelector *a_sel_list
: the current ruleset statement.
: the selector list to set. Note
that this function increments the ref count of a_sel_list.
The sel list will be destroyed at the destruction of the
current instance of CRStatement.
Sets a selector list to a ruleset statement.
Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_ruleset_get_sel_list (CRStatement const *a_this
,CRSelector **a_list
: the current ruleset statement.
: out parameter. The returned selector list,
if and only if the function returned CR_OK.
Gets a pointer to the selector list contained in the current ruleset statement.
Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_ruleset_set_decl_list (CRStatement *a_this
,CRDeclaration *a_list
: the current ruleset statement.
: the declaration list to be added to the current
ruleset statement.
Sets a declaration list to the current ruleset statement.
Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_ruleset_get_declarations (CRStatement *a_this
,CRDeclaration **a_decl_list
: the current instance of CRStatement.
: out parameter. A pointer to the the returned
list of declaration. Must not be NULL.
Gets a pointer to the list of declaration contained in the ruleset statement.
Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code if something bad happened.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_ruleset_append_decl2 (CRStatement *a_this
,CRString *a_prop
,CRTerm *a_value
: the current statement.
: the property of the declaration.
: the value of the declaration.
Appends a declaration to the current ruleset statement.
Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_ruleset_append_decl (CRStatement *a_this
,CRDeclaration *a_decl
Appends a declaration to the current statement.
: the current statement.
: the declaration to append.
Returns CR_OK upon sucessful completion, an error code otherwise.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_at_import_rule_set_imported_sheet (CRStatement *a_this
,CRStyleSheet *a_sheet
Sets a stylesheet to the current @import rule.
: the current @import rule.
: the stylesheet. The stylesheet is owned
by the current instance of CRStatement, that is, the
stylesheet will be destroyed when the current instance
of CRStatement is destroyed.
Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_at_import_rule_get_imported_sheet (CRStatement *a_this
,CRStyleSheet **a_sheet
: the current @import rule statement.
: out parameter. The returned stylesheet if and
only if the function returns CR_OK.
Gets the stylesheet contained by the @import rule statement. Returns CR_OK upon sucessful completion, an error code otherwise.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_at_import_rule_set_url (CRStatement *a_this
,CRString *a_url
: the current @import rule statement.
: the url to set.
Sets an url to the current @import rule statement.
Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_at_import_rule_get_url (CRStatement const *a_this
,CRString **a_url
: the current @import rule statement.
: out parameter. The returned url if
and only if the function returned CR_OK.
Gets the url of the @import rule statement. Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.
cr_statement_at_media_nr_rules (CRStatement const *a_this
: the current instance of CRStatement.
Returns the number of rules in the media rule;
CRStatement * cr_statement_at_media_get_from_list (CRStatement *a_this
,int itemnr
: the current instance of CRStatement.
: the index into the media rule list of rules.
Use an index to get a CRStatement from the media rule list of rules.
Returns CRStatement at position itemnr, if itemnr > number of rules - 1, it will return NULL.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_at_page_rule_set_sel (CRStatement *a_this
,CRSelector *a_sel
enum CRStatus cr_statement_at_page_rule_get_sel (CRStatement const *a_this
,CRSelector **a_sel
enum CRStatus cr_statement_at_page_rule_set_declarations (CRStatement *a_this
,CRDeclaration *a_decl_list
: the current @page rule statement.
: the declaration list to add. Will be freed
by the current instance of CRStatement when it is destroyed.
Sets a declaration list to the current @page rule statement.
Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_at_page_rule_get_declarations (CRStatement *a_this
,CRDeclaration **a_decl_list
: the current @page rule statement.
: out parameter. The returned declaration list.
Gets the declaration list associated to the current @page rule statement.
Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_at_charset_rule_set_charset (CRStatement *a_this
,CRString *a_charset
: the current @charset rule statement.
: the charset to set.
Sets the charset of the current @charset rule statement.
Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_at_charset_rule_get_charset (CRStatement const *a_this
,CRString **a_charset
Gets the charset string associated to the current @charset rule statement.
Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_at_font_face_rule_set_decls (CRStatement *a_this
,CRDeclaration *a_decls
: the current @font-face rule statement.
: the declarations list to set.
Sets a declaration list to the current @font-face rule statement.
Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_at_font_face_rule_get_decls (CRStatement *a_this
,CRDeclaration **a_decls
: the current @font-face rule statement.
: out parameter. The returned declaration list if
and only if this function returns CR_OK.
Gets the declaration list associated to the current instance of @font-face rule statement.
Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.
enum CRStatus cr_statement_at_font_face_rule_add_decl (CRStatement *a_this
,CRString *a_prop
,CRTerm *a_value
: the current @font-face rule statement.
: the property of the declaration.
: the value of the declaration.
Adds a declaration to the current @font-face rule statement.
Returns CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.
gchar * cr_statement_to_string (CRStatement const *a_this
,gulong a_indent
: the current statement to serialize
: the number of white space of indentation.
Serializes a css statement into a string
Returns the serialized statement. Must be freed by the caller
using g_free()
gchar * cr_statement_list_to_string (CRStatement const *a_this
,gulong a_indent
void cr_statement_dump (CRStatement const *a_this
,FILE *a_fp
,gulong a_indent
: the current css2 statement.
: the destination file pointer.
: the number of white space indentation characters.
Dumps the css2 statement to a file.
void cr_statement_dump_ruleset (CRStatement const *a_this
,FILE *a_fp
,glong a_indent
: the current instance of CRStatement.
: the destination file pointer.
: the number of indentation white spaces to add.
Dumps a ruleset statement to a file.
void cr_statement_dump_font_face_rule (CRStatement const *a_this
,FILE *a_fp
,glong a_indent
: the current instance of font face rule statement.
: the destination file pointer.
: the number of white space indentation.
Dumps a font face rule statement to a file.
void cr_statement_dump_page (CRStatement const *a_this
,FILE *a_fp
,gulong a_indent
: the statement to dump on stdout.
: the destination file pointer.
: the number of indentation white spaces.
Dumps an @page rule statement on stdout.
void cr_statement_dump_media_rule (CRStatement const *a_this
,FILE *a_fp
,gulong a_indent
: the statement to dump.
: the destination file pointer
: the number of white spaces indentation.
Dumps an @media rule statement to a file.
void cr_statement_dump_import_rule (CRStatement const *a_this
,FILE *a_fp
,gulong a_indent
: the destination file pointer.
: the number of white space indentations.
Dumps an @import rule statement to a file.
void cr_statement_dump_charset (CRStatement const *a_this
,FILE *a_fp
,gulong a_indent
: the current instance of the @charset rule statement.
: the destination file pointer.
: the number of indentation white spaces.
Dumps an @charset rule statement to a file.
cr_statement_nr_rules (CRStatement const *a_this
: the current instance of CRStatement.
Gets the number of rules in the statement list;
Returns number of rules in the statement list.
CRStatement * cr_statement_get_from_list (CRStatement *a_this
,int itemnr
: the current instance of CRStatement.
: the index into the statement list.
Use an index to get a CRStatement from the statement list.
Returns CRStatement at position itemnr, if itemnr > number of statements - 1, it will return NULL.
cr_statement_destroy (CRStatement *a_this
: the current instance of CRStatement.
Destructor of CRStatement.
struct CRRuleSet { /**A list of instances of #CRSimpeSel*/ CRSelector *sel_list ; /**A list of instances of #CRDeclaration*/ CRDeclaration *decl_list ; /** *The parent media rule, or NULL if *no parent media rule exists. */ CRStatement *parent_media_rule ; };
struct CRAtImportRule { /**the url of the import rule*/ CRString *url ; GList *media_list ; /** *the stylesheet fetched from the url, if any. *this is not "owned" by #CRAtImportRule which means *it is not destroyed by the destructor of #CRAtImportRule. */ CRStyleSheet * sheet; };
struct CRAtPageRule { /**a list of instances of #CRDeclaration*/ CRDeclaration *decl_list ; /**page selector. Is a pseudo selector*/ CRString *name ; CRString *pseudo ; };
struct CRAtFontFaceRule { /*a list of instanaces of #CRDeclaration*/ CRDeclaration *decl_list ; };
typedef struct { /** *The type of the statement. */ enum CRStatementType type ; union { CRRuleSet *ruleset ; CRAtImportRule *import_rule ; CRAtMediaRule *media_rule ; CRAtPageRule *page_rule ; CRAtCharsetRule *charset_rule ; CRAtFontFaceRule *font_face_rule ; } kind ; /* *the specificity of the selector *that matched this statement. *This is only used by the cascading *order determination algorithm. */ gulong specificity ; /* *the style sheet that contains *this css statement. */ CRStyleSheet *parent_sheet ; CRStatement *next ; CRStatement *prev ; CRParsingLocation location ; /** *a custom pointer useable by *applications that use libcroco. *libcroco itself will never modify *this pointer. */ gpointer app_data ; /** *a custom pointer used *by the upper layers of libcroco. *application should never use this *pointer. */ gpointer croco_data ; } CRStatement;
typedef struct { /**The css statements list*/ CRStatement *statements ; enum CRStyleOrigin origin ; /*the parent import rule, if any.*/ CRStatement *parent_import_rule ; /**custom data used by libcroco*/ gpointer croco_data ; /** *custom application data pointer *Can be used by applications. */ gpointer app_data ; /** *the reference count of this insance *Please, don't never ever modify it *directly. Use cr_stylesheet_ref() *and cr_stylesheet_unref() instead. */ gulong ref_count ; } CRStyleSheet;