Benedikt Meurer

System development
Software developer

Jannis Pohlmann

Version 1.8.4

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. The complete license text is available from the Free Software Foundation.


I. Overview
II. Writing Extensions
III. Fundamentals
Variables and functions to check the library version
IV. Abstraction Layer
ThunarxFileInfo — Abstraction of a file handled within the file manager
ThunarxMenu — The base class for submenus added to the context menus
ThunarxMenuItem — The base class for menu items added to the context menus
ThunarxPropertyPage — The base class for pages added to the properties dialog
ThunarxProviderPlugin — The interface to the plugin type registration
ThunarxRenamer — The abstract base class for bulk renamers
V. Providers
ThunarxMenuProvider — The interface to extensions that provide additional menu items
ThunarxPropertyPageProvider — The interface to extensions that provide additional property pages
ThunarxPreferencesProvider — The interface to extensions that provide preferences
ThunarxRenamerProvider — The interface to extensions that provide additional bulk renamers
VI. Using Thunar extensions in applications
ThunarxProviderFactory — The provider factory support for applications