Storing passwords and items

It's encouraged to use a SecretSchema when storing items and passwords.

By default most ways of storing an item will now overwrite another item with the same attributes in the same keyring. To manually control this behavior use the secret_item_create().

Replacements for related libgnome-keyring functions and types are described below:

Table 3. 

libgnome-keyring libsecret
gnome_keyring_store_password() secret_password_store()
gnome_keyring_store_password_sync() secret_password_store_sync()
gnome_keyring_set_network_password() secret_password_store() with SECRET_SCHEMA_COMPAT_NETWORK although this is not recommended for new uses.
gnome_keyring_set_network_password_sync() secret_password_store_sync() with SECRET_SCHEMA_COMPAT_NETWORK although this is not recommended for new uses.
gnome_keyring_item_create() secret_item_create(), although using secret_password_store() is simpler.
gnome_keyring_item_create_sync() secret_item_create(), although using secret_password_store_sync() is simpler.