
802-1x — IEEE 802.1x Authentication Settings


Table 40. 

Key Name Value Type Default Value Value Description
array of string
List of strings to be matched against the altSubjectName of the certificate presented by the authentication server. If the list is empty, no verification of the server certificate's altSubjectName is performed.
Anonymous identity string for EAP authentication methods. Used as the unencrypted identity with EAP types that support different tunneled identity like EAP-TTLS.
A timeout for the authentication. Zero means the global default; if the global default is not set, the authentication timeout is 25 seconds.
byte array
Contains the CA certificate if used by the EAP method specified in the "eap" property. Certificate data is specified using a "scheme"; two are currently supported: blob and path. When using the blob scheme (which is backwards compatible with NM 0.7.x) this property should be set to the certificate's DER encoded data. When using the path scheme, this property should be set to the full UTF-8 encoded path of the certificate, prefixed with the string "file://" and ending with a terminating NUL byte. This property can be unset even if the EAP method supports CA certificates, but this allows man-in-the-middle attacks and is NOT recommended.
The password used to access the CA certificate stored in "ca-cert" property. Only makes sense if the certificate is stored on a PKCS#11 token that requires a login.
NMSettingSecretFlags (uint32)
Flags indicating how to handle the "ca-cert-password" property.
UTF-8 encoded path to a directory containing PEM or DER formatted certificates to be added to the verification chain in addition to the certificate specified in the "ca-cert" property.
byte array
Contains the client certificate if used by the EAP method specified in the "eap" property. Certificate data is specified using a "scheme"; two are currently supported: blob and path. When using the blob scheme (which is backwards compatible with NM 0.7.x) this property should be set to the certificate's DER encoded data. When using the path scheme, this property should be set to the full UTF-8 encoded path of the certificate, prefixed with the string "file://" and ending with a terminating NUL byte.
The password used to access the client certificate stored in "client-cert" property. Only makes sense if the certificate is stored on a PKCS#11 token that requires a login.
NMSettingSecretFlags (uint32)
Flags indicating how to handle the "client-cert-password" property.
Constraint for server domain name. If set, this FQDN is used as a suffix match requirement for dNSName element(s) of the certificate presented by the authentication server. If a matching dNSName is found, this constraint is met. If no dNSName values are present, this constraint is matched against SubjectName CN using same suffix match comparison.
array of string
The allowed EAP method to be used when authenticating to the network with 802.1x. Valid methods are: "leap", "md5", "tls", "peap", "ttls", "pwd", and "fast". Each method requires different configuration using the properties of this setting; refer to wpa_supplicant documentation for the allowed combinations.
Identity string for EAP authentication methods. Often the user's user or login name.
UTF-8 encoded file path containing PAC for EAP-FAST.
UTF-8 encoded password used for EAP authentication methods. If both the "password" property and the "password-raw" property are specified, "password" is preferred.
NMSettingSecretFlags (uint32)
Flags indicating how to handle the "password" property.
byte array
Password used for EAP authentication methods, given as a byte array to allow passwords in other encodings than UTF-8 to be used. If both the "password" property and the "password-raw" property are specified, "password" is preferred.
NMSettingSecretFlags (uint32)
Flags indicating how to handle the "password-raw" property.
Specifies authentication flags to use in "phase 1" outer authentication using NMSetting8021xAuthFlags options. The individual TLS versions can be explicitly disabled. If a certain TLS disable flag is not set, it is up to the supplicant to allow or forbid it. The TLS options map to tls_disable_tlsv1_x settings. See the wpa_supplicant documentation for more details.
Enables or disables in-line provisioning of EAP-FAST credentials when FAST is specified as the EAP method in the "eap" property. Recognized values are "0" (disabled), "1" (allow unauthenticated provisioning), "2" (allow authenticated provisioning), and "3" (allow both authenticated and unauthenticated provisioning). See the wpa_supplicant documentation for more details.
Forces use of the new PEAP label during key derivation. Some RADIUS servers may require forcing the new PEAP label to interoperate with PEAPv1. Set to "1" to force use of the new PEAP label. See the wpa_supplicant documentation for more details.
Forces which PEAP version is used when PEAP is set as the EAP method in the "eap" property. When unset, the version reported by the server will be used. Sometimes when using older RADIUS servers, it is necessary to force the client to use a particular PEAP version. To do so, this property may be set to "0" or "1" to force that specific PEAP version.
array of string
List of strings to be matched against the altSubjectName of the certificate presented by the authentication server during the inner "phase 2" authentication. If the list is empty, no verification of the server certificate's altSubjectName is performed.
Specifies the allowed "phase 2" inner non-EAP authentication methods when an EAP method that uses an inner TLS tunnel is specified in the "eap" property. Recognized non-EAP "phase 2" methods are "pap", "chap", "mschap", "mschapv2", "gtc", "otp", "md5", and "tls". Each "phase 2" inner method requires specific parameters for successful authentication; see the wpa_supplicant documentation for more details.
Specifies the allowed "phase 2" inner EAP-based authentication methods when an EAP method that uses an inner TLS tunnel is specified in the "eap" property. Recognized EAP-based "phase 2" methods are "md5", "mschapv2", "otp", "gtc", and "tls". Each "phase 2" inner method requires specific parameters for successful authentication; see the wpa_supplicant documentation for more details.
byte array
Contains the "phase 2" CA certificate if used by the EAP method specified in the "phase2-auth" or "phase2-autheap" properties. Certificate data is specified using a "scheme"; two are currently supported: blob and path. When using the blob scheme (which is backwards compatible with NM 0.7.x) this property should be set to the certificate's DER encoded data. When using the path scheme, this property should be set to the full UTF-8 encoded path of the certificate, prefixed with the string "file://" and ending with a terminating NUL byte. This property can be unset even if the EAP method supports CA certificates, but this allows man-in-the-middle attacks and is NOT recommended.
The password used to access the "phase2" CA certificate stored in "phase2-ca-cert" property. Only makes sense if the certificate is stored on a PKCS#11 token that requires a login.
NMSettingSecretFlags (uint32)
Flags indicating how to handle the "phase2-ca-cert-password" property.
UTF-8 encoded path to a directory containing PEM or DER formatted certificates to be added to the verification chain in addition to the certificate specified in the "phase2-ca-cert" property.
byte array
Contains the "phase 2" client certificate if used by the EAP method specified in the "phase2-auth" or "phase2-autheap" properties. Certificate data is specified using a "scheme"; two are currently supported: blob and path. When using the blob scheme (which is backwards compatible with NM 0.7.x) this property should be set to the certificate's DER encoded data. When using the path scheme, this property should be set to the full UTF-8 encoded path of the certificate, prefixed with the string "file://" and ending with a terminating NUL byte. This property can be unset even if the EAP method supports CA certificates, but this allows man-in-the-middle attacks and is NOT recommended.
The password used to access the "phase2" client certificate stored in "phase2-client-cert" property. Only makes sense if the certificate is stored on a PKCS#11 token that requires a login.
NMSettingSecretFlags (uint32)
Flags indicating how to handle the "phase2-client-cert-password" property.
Constraint for server domain name. If set, this FQDN is used as a suffix match requirement for dNSName element(s) of the certificate presented by the authentication server during the inner "phase 2" authentication. If a matching dNSName is found, this constraint is met. If no dNSName values are present, this constraint is matched against SubjectName CN using same suffix match comparison.
byte array
Contains the "phase 2" inner private key when the "phase2-auth" or "phase2-autheap" property is set to "tls". Key data is specified using a "scheme"; two are currently supported: blob and path. When using the blob scheme and private keys, this property should be set to the key's encrypted PEM encoded data. When using private keys with the path scheme, this property should be set to the full UTF-8 encoded path of the key, prefixed with the string "file://" and ending with a terminating NUL byte. When using PKCS#12 format private keys and the blob scheme, this property should be set to the PKCS#12 data and the "phase2-private-key-password" property must be set to password used to decrypt the PKCS#12 certificate and key. When using PKCS#12 files and the path scheme, this property should be set to the full UTF-8 encoded path of the key, prefixed with the string "file://" and ending with a terminating NUL byte, and as with the blob scheme the "phase2-private-key-password" property must be set to the password used to decode the PKCS#12 private key and certificate.
The password used to decrypt the "phase 2" private key specified in the "phase2-private-key" property when the private key either uses the path scheme, or is a PKCS#12 format key.
NMSettingSecretFlags (uint32)
Flags indicating how to handle the "phase2-private-key-password" property.
Substring to be matched against the subject of the certificate presented by the authentication server during the inner "phase 2" authentication. When unset, no verification of the authentication server certificate's subject is performed. This property provides little security, if any, and its use is deprecated in favor of NMSetting8021x:phase2-domain-suffix-match.
PIN used for EAP authentication methods.
NMSettingSecretFlags (uint32)
Flags indicating how to handle the "pin" property.
byte array
Contains the private key when the "eap" property is set to "tls". Key data is specified using a "scheme"; two are currently supported: blob and path. When using the blob scheme and private keys, this property should be set to the key's encrypted PEM encoded data. When using private keys with the path scheme, this property should be set to the full UTF-8 encoded path of the key, prefixed with the string "file://" and ending with a terminating NUL byte. When using PKCS#12 format private keys and the blob scheme, this property should be set to the PKCS#12 data and the "private-key-password" property must be set to password used to decrypt the PKCS#12 certificate and key. When using PKCS#12 files and the path scheme, this property should be set to the full UTF-8 encoded path of the key, prefixed with the string "file://" and ending with a terminating NUL byte, and as with the blob scheme the "private-key-password" property must be set to the password used to decode the PKCS#12 private key and certificate. WARNING: "private-key" is not a "secret" property, and thus unencrypted private key data using the BLOB scheme may be readable by unprivileged users. Private keys should always be encrypted with a private key password to prevent unauthorized access to unencrypted private key data.
The password used to decrypt the private key specified in the "private-key" property when the private key either uses the path scheme, or if the private key is a PKCS#12 format key.
NMSettingSecretFlags (uint32)
Flags indicating how to handle the "private-key-password" property.
Substring to be matched against the subject of the certificate presented by the authentication server. When unset, no verification of the authentication server certificate's subject is performed. This property provides little security, if any, and its use is deprecated in favor of NMSetting8021x:domain-suffix-match.
When TRUE, overrides the "ca-path" and "phase2-ca-path" properties using the system CA directory specified at configure time with the --system-ca-path switch. The certificates in this directory are added to the verification chain in addition to any certificates specified by the "ca-cert" and "phase2-ca-cert" properties. If the path provided with --system-ca-path is rather a file name (bundle of trusted CA certificates), it overrides "ca-cert" and "phase2-ca-cert" properties instead (sets ca_cert/ca_cert2 options for wpa_supplicant).