Xarchiver menu

File menu


Creates a new archive. The new archive dialog is opened. The archive is not effectively created until some content is added to it. Please note if the archive already exists and you choose to overwrite it, the existing archive will be deleted.

Figure 3.1. New dialog

New dialog


Opens a new archive. If you force Xarchiver to open an unsupported archive type an error message will be emitted. The archive type is detected by its magic header and not by the extension. Password protected archives are supported also.

List as

This facility allow you to dump the content of the whole archive as .txt or .html format.

Save as

Save the current archive in a different location. This is useful when you open an archive from the Web browser and you want to save it to a different location from /tmp.


Tests the current archive. This option is disabled when the current archive was produced by an archiver which doesn't support testing.


Shows an archive dialog with useful info about the archive.

Figure 3.2. Archive properties dialog

Archive properties dialog


Close the current archive and frees all the memory in use by it.


Frees all the memory in use and quit Xarchiver.

Action menu


Shows the add dialog featuring the most used archiver command line options. The password entry is disabled when the archive doesn't support encryption.

Figure 3.3. Add dialog

Add dialog


Shows the extract dialog featuring the most used archiver command line options. The password entry is disabled when the current archive is not encrypted; instead if the archive is encrypted and you don't fill this field, Xarchiver will request you the password to extract the archive.

Figure 3.4. Extract dialog

Extract dialog


Delete the selected files from the archive. A warning dialog will be shown.


Allows to rename the current selected file. Renaming directories is not allowed.

Make SFX

Convert the current archive to self-extracting. This option is disabled when the current archive doesn't support this feature (e.g. tar archives). After converting an archive to self-extracting this option will be disabled.


Open the Multi-Extract dialog allowing you to extract archives in one shot by loading them in the window. You can choose to extract them in a specific directory or to extract each of them in a directory named with the archive name itself.

Figure 3.5. Multi-Extract dialog

Multi-Extract dialog

Archive comment

Opens the Archive comment dialog. Here you can modify, load from a file or delete the archive comment.

Figure 3.6. Archive comment dialog

Archive comment dialog

Select all

Select all the entries in the window.

Deselect all

Deselect all the entries in the window.

Select by pattern

Pops up the Select by Pattern dialog. Shell wildcards like * and ? are supported.

Command line output

Opens a window containing the last archiver output.

Enter password

Pops up the Password dialog. This facility was introduced because of 7zip archives. If you notice that Xarchiver freezes while extracting from such archives you can try to enter the password by means of this dialog before extracting them.

Figure 3.7. Password dialog

Password dialog


Open the preferences dialog where you can set several options. All the options are saved to ~/.config/xarchiver/xarchiverrc when pressing the Ok button.

Figure 3.8. Preferences dialog

Preferences dialog

Help Menu


Show this documentation in system installed Web browser.


Shows the credit dialog with the contributors to Xarchiver