Table of Contents
Graphite2 is a reimplementation of the SIL Graphite text processing engine. The reason for such a project has grown out of the experience gained in integration the Graphite engine into various applications and frameworks. The original engine was designed with different use cases in mind and optimised towards those. These optimisations get in the way of optimising for the actual use case requirements that the integration projects required. The Graphite2 engine, therefore, is designed for use where a simple shaping engine is required, much akin to the simpler OpenType engine interfaces that exist. Graphite2 has the following features over the original engine:
What is lost is:
What is Graphite? Graphite is a smart font technology designed to facilitate the process known as shaping. This process takes an input Unicode text string and returns a sequence of positioned glyphids from the font. There are other similar smart font technologies including AAT and OpenType. While OpenType implementations are more prevalently integrated into applications than Graphite, Graphite still has a place. Graphite was developed primarily to address the generic shaping problem where current OpenType shaping engines do not address the specific needs of a font developer and the lead time on any changes to address those needs become prohibitive. This is a particular issue when creating solutions for some minority languages. In effect OpenType addresses the 80% problem and Graphite the 20% problem (or is that the 98% problem and the 2% problem?)
There are a number of reasons why someone might want to add Graphite smarts to their font:
Graphite allows font implementors to implement their font their way. It does not require them to fit within an, often poorly specified, interface between the shaper and the font. This allows for quicker debugging and results. Graphite supports font debugging to identify what the shaper is doing all the way from input Unicode to output glyphs and positions, giving font designers better control over their font processing. == Building Graphite 2 ==
Graphite 2 is made available as a source tarball from these urls: or
While Graphite 2 is written in C++11, it is written in a subset that ensures no runtime dependency on the language runtime.
Graphite 2 uses cmake for its build system. The basic build procedure is to create a directory in which to build the library and executable products. Then cmake is run to generate build files and then the build is run.
mkdir build cd build cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" .. make make test
This will do a default build of Graphite with minimal dependencies on other packages. There are various option settings see Generator configuration options>.
On amd64 architecture if you wish build and test 32 bit binaries this is possible using the following cmake invocation:
CFLAGS=-m32 CXXFLAGS=-m32 cmake .. make make test
You will need g++-multilib support see Limitations
It is possible to use clang to build and test Graphite. Use this build command:
CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake .. make
You will need libc libc
-abi see clang-asan section of Limitations.
Create your build directory
mkdir build cd build
Generate project files for your build system
You need to specify the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE as some Windows generators require it.
CMake will automatically detect your build system and generate a project for
that. The options passed above will do a default build of Graphite with minimal
dependencies on other packages. You may wish to specify a build system other
than the automatically detected one, for examples if you have multiple versions
of Visual Studio installed or other toolchains such as MinGW you wish build
under. To do this pass the -G <generator name>
option to the initial cmake
configuration call, for example for Visual Studio 8:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release ..
or for MinGW
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release ..
You can get a list of generators CMakes supports with cmake --help
Build graphite binaries
cmake --build .
When building with using the Visual Studio generator you will need to append
--config Debug
or --config Release
for you debug and release builds
respectively to the end of above command. Depending on your chosen generator the
next step varies, for MS Visual Studio projects you will need to run:
cmake --build . --target RUN_TESTS
for everything else:
cmake --build . --target test
You can clean the project with:
cmake --build . --target clean
Or just delete the build directory and start again.
There are various option settings that can be passed to cmake when generating. They are described here, along with their type and possible and default values. Boolean values may take the value OFF or ON. Options may be set using the -Doption=value command line option. For example: -DGRAPHITE2_COMPARE_RENDERER:BOOL=ON
, direct
or call
. It specifies which type of
virtual machine processor to use. The value of auto
tells the system to
work out the best approach for this architecture. A value of direct
the system to use the direct machine which is faster. The value of call
tells the system to use the slower but more cross compiler portable call
based machine.
The default is auto.
Bear in mind that ASAN will not work with ulimit constraints so running the fuzztest may result in problems.
There are some hard build dependencies:
Other configuration related dependencies:
and libc6-dev-i386
packages on Debian and derivatives and glibc-devel.i686
, glibc-devel
on Redhat OSs
and libc
abi packages. The easiest way to do that on Debian &
derivatives is to install the libc-dev and libc
abi-dev packages.
== Calling Graphite2 ==
The basic model for running graphite is to pass text, font and face information to create a segment. A segment consists of a linked list of slots which each correspond to an output glyph. In addition a segment holds charinfo for each character in the input text.
#include <graphite2/Segment.h> #include <stdio.h> /* usage: ./simple fontfile.ttf string */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rtl = 0; /* are we rendering right to left? probably not */ int pointsize = 12; /* point size in points */ int dpi = 96; /* work with this many dots per inch */ char *pError; /* location of faulty utf-8 */ gr_font *font = NULL; size_t numCodePoints = 0; gr_segment * seg = NULL; const gr_slot *s; gr_face *face = gr_make_file_face(argv[1], 0); /*(1)*/ if (!face) return 1; font = gr_make_font(pointsize * dpi / 72.0f, face); /*(2)*/ if (!font) return 2; numCodePoints = gr_count_unicode_characters(gr_utf8, argv[2], NULL, (const void **)(&pError)); /*(3)*/ if (pError) return 3; seg = gr_make_seg(font, face, 0, 0, gr_utf8, argv[2], numCodePoints, rtl); /*(4)*/ if (!seg) return 3; for (s = gr_seg_first_slot(seg); s; s = gr_slot_next_in_segment(s)) /*(5)*/ printf("%d(%f,%f) ", gr_slot_gid(s), gr_slot_origin_X(s), gr_slot_origin_Y(s)); gr_seg_destroy(seg); gr_font_destroy(font); gr_face_destroy(face); return 0; }
The first parameter to the program is the full path to the font file to be used for rendering. This function loads the font and reads all the graphite tables, etc. If there is a fault in the font, it will fail to load and the function will return NULL. | |
A font is merely a face at a given size in pixels per em. It is possible to support hinted advances, but this is done via a callback function. | |
For simplification of memory allocation, graphite works on characters (Unicode codepoints) rather than bytes or gr_uint16s, etc. We need to calculate the number of characters in the input string (the second parameter to the program). Very often applications already know this. If there is an error in the utf-8, the pError variable will point to it and we just exit. But it is possible to render up to that point. If your string is null terminated, then you don’t necessarily have to calculate a precise number of characters. You can use a value that is greater than the number in the string and rely on graphite to stop at the terminating null. It is necessary to pass some value for the number of characters so that graphite can initialise its internal memory structures appropriately and not waste time updating them. Thus for UTF-16 and UTF-32 strings, one could simply pass the number of code units in the string. For UTF-8 it may be preferable to call gr_count_unicode_characters. | |
Here we create a segment. A segment is the results of processing a string of text with graphite. It contains all the information necessary for final rendering including all the glyphs, their positions, relationships between glyphs and underlying characters, etc. | |
A segment primarily consists of a linked list of slots. Each slot corresponds to a glyph in the output. The information about a glyph and its relationships is queried from the slot. |
Source for this program may be found in tests/examples/simple.c
Assuming that graphite2 has been built and installed, this example can be built and run on linux using:
gcc -o simple -lgraphite2 simple.c LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib ./simple ../fonts/Padauk.ttf 'Hello World!'
Running simple gives the results:
43(0.000000,0.000000) 72(9.859375,0.000000) 79(17.609375,0.000000) 79(20.796875,0.000000) 82(23.984375,0.000000) 3(32.203125,0.000000) 58(38.109375,0.000000) 82(51.625000,0.000000) 85(59.843750,0.000000) 79(64.875000,0.000000) 71(68.062500,0.000000) 4(76.281250,0.000000)
Not very pretty, but reassuring! Graphite isn’t a graphical rendering engine, it merely calculates which glyphs should render where and leaves the actual process of displaying those glyphs to other libraries.
This example is pretty simple and uses a convenient way to load fonts into Graphite for testing purposes. But when integrating into real applications, that is rarely the most appropriate way. Instead the necessary font information comes to Graphite via some other data structure with its own accessor functions. In the following example we show the same application but using a FreeType font rather than a font file.
#include <graphite2/Segment.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ft2build.h" #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include FT_TRUETYPE_TABLES_H const void *getTable(const void *appHandle, unsigned int name, size_t *len) { void *res; FT_Face ftface = (FT_Face)appHandle; FT_ULong ftlen = 0; FT_Load_Sfnt_Table(ftface, name, 0, NULL, &ftlen); /* find length of table */ if (!ftlen) return NULL; res = malloc(ftlen); /* allocate somewhere to hold it */ if (!res) return NULL; FT_Load_Sfnt_Table(ftface, name, 0, res, &ftlen); /* copy table into buffer */ *len = ftlen; return res; } void releaseTable(const void *appHandle, const void *ptr) { free((void *)ptr); /* simply free the allocated memory */ /*(1)*/ } float getAdvance(const void *appFont, unsigned short glyphid) { FT_Face ftface = (FT_Face)appFont; if (FT_Load_Glyph(ftface, glyphid, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT)) return -1.; /* grid fit glyph */ return ftface->glyph->advance.x; /* return grid fit advance */ } /* usage: ./freetype fontfile.ttf string */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rtl = 0; /* are we rendering right to left? probably not */ int pointsize = 12; /* point size in points */ int dpi = 96; /* work with this many dots per inch */ char *pError; /* location of faulty utf-8 */ gr_font *font = NULL; size_t numCodePoints = 0; gr_segment * seg = NULL; const gr_slot *s; gr_face *face; FT_Library ftlib; FT_Face ftface; gr_face_ops faceops = {sizeof(gr_face_ops), &getTable, &releaseTable}; /*(2)*/ gr_font_ops fontops = {sizeof(gr_font_ops), &getAdvance, NULL}; /* Set up freetype font face at given point size */ if (FT_Init_FreeType(&ftlib)) return -1; if (FT_New_Face(ftlib, argv[1], 0, &ftface)) return -2; if (FT_Set_Char_Size(ftface, pointsize << 6, pointsize << 6, dpi, dpi)) return -3; face = gr_make_face_with_ops(ftface, &faceops, gr_face_preloadAll); /*(3)*/ if (!face) return 1; font = gr_make_font_with_ops(pointsize * dpi / 72.0f, ftface, &fontops, face); /*(4)*/ if (!font) return 2; numCodePoints = gr_count_unicode_characters(gr_utf8, argv[2], NULL, (const void **)(&pError)); if (pError) return 3; seg = gr_make_seg(font, face, 0, 0, gr_utf8, argv[2], numCodePoints, rtl); if (!seg) return 3; for (s = gr_seg_first_slot(seg); s; s = gr_slot_next_in_segment(s)) printf("%d(%f,%f) ", gr_slot_gid(s), gr_slot_origin_X(s) / 64, gr_slot_origin_Y(s) / 64); /*(5)*/ gr_seg_destroy(seg); gr_font_destroy(font); gr_face_destroy(face); /* Release freetype face and library handle */ FT_Done_Face(ftface); FT_Done_FreeType(ftlib); return 0; }
We cast the pointer to remove its const restriction. Since when the memory was allocated, it was passed to Graphite as a read only memory block, via const, it gets passed back to us as a read only memory block. But we are the owner of the block and so can mess with it (like freeing it). So we are free to break the const restriction here. | |
The structure of an operations structure is to first hold the size of the structure and then the pointers to the functions. Storing the size allows an older application to call a newer version of the Graphite engine which might support more function pointers. In such a case, all those newer pointers are assumed to be NULL. | |
Pass the function pointers structure for creating the font face. The first function is called to load a table from the font and pass it back to Graphite. The second is called by Graphite to say that it no longer needs the table loaded in memory and will make no further reference to it. | |
Pass a function pointers structure for fonts. The two functions (either can be NULL) return the horizontal or vertical advance for a glyph in pixels. Notice that usually fractional advances are preferable to grid fit advances, unless working entirely in a low resolution graphical framework. The code following is virtually identical to the fileface code, apart from some housekeeping at the end. | |
Note that freetype works with fixed point arithmetic of 26.6, thus 1.0 is stored as 64. We therefore multiply the pointsize by 64 (or shift left by 6) and divide the resulting positions down by 64 to true floating point values. |
Building and running this example gives similar, but not identical, results to the simple case. Notice that since the advances are grid fit, all the positions are integral, unlike the fractional positioning in the simple application:
43(0.000000,0.000000) 72(9.000000,0.000000) 79(17.000000,0.000000) 79(20.000000,0.000000) 82(23.000000,0.000000) 3(31.000000,0.000000) 58(37.000000,0.000000) 82(51.000000,0.000000) 85(59.000000,0.000000) 79(64.000000,0.000000) 71(67.000000,0.000000) 4(75.000000,0.000000)
The primary contents of a segment is slots. These slots are organised into a doubly linked list and each corresponds to a glyph to be rendered. The linked list is terminated at each end by a NULL. There are also functions to get the first and last slot in a segment.
In addition to the main slot list, slots may be attached to each other. This
means that two glyphs have been attached to each other in the GDL. Again,
attached slots are held in a separate singly linked list associated with the
slot to which they attach. Thus slots will be in the main linked list and may
be in an attachment linked list. Each slot in an attachment linked list has the
same attachment parent accessed via gr_slot_attached_to()
. To get the start of
the linked list of all the slots directly attached to a parent, one calls
and then gr_slot_next_attachment()
to walk
forwards through that linked list. Given that a diacritic may attach to another
diacritic, an attached slot may in its turn have a linked list of attached
slots. In all cases, linked lists terminate with a NULL.
The core information held by a slot is the glyph id of the glyph the slot
corresponds to (gr_slot_gid()
); the position relative to the start of the
segment that the glyph is to be rendered at (gr_slot_origin_X()
); the advance for the glyph which corresponds to the glyph
metric advance as adjusted by kerning. In addition a slot indicates whether the
font designer wants to allow a cursor to be placed before this glyph or not.
This information is accessible via gr_slot_can_insert_before()
For each unicode character in the input, there is a CharInfo structure that can be queried for such information as the code unit position in the input string, the before slot index (if we are before this character, which is the earliest slot we are before) and the corresponding after slot index.
The gr_face
type is the memory correspondance of a font. It holds the data
structures corresponding to those in a font file as required to process text
using that font. In creating a gr_face
it is necessary to pass a function by
which graphite can get hold of font tables. The tables that graphite queries
for must be available for the lifetime of the gr_face
, except when a gr_face
is created with the faceOptions of gr_face_preloadAll
. This then loads
everything from the font at gr_face
construction time, leaving nothing further
to be read from the font when the gr_face
is used. This reduces the required
lifetime of the in memory font tables to the gr_make_face
call. In situations
where the tables are only stored for the purposes of creating a gr_face
, it
can save memory to preload everything and delete the tables.
Graphite2 had the capability to make use of a subsegmental cache. Each sub run
was then looked up in the cache rather than calculating the values from scratch.
While the cache could be effective when similar runs of text were being
processed, it often didn’t fit with target applications exisiting framework and
was a source of several bugs, it was marked as deprecated in 1.3.7. In order to
avoid an API change gr_make_face_with_seg_cache
and gr_make_file_face_with_seg_cache
simply alias their non-caching counterparts and ignore the cacheSize paramter.
It is common for applications to work with simplified clusters, these are sequences of glyphs associated with a sequence of characters, such that these simplified clusters are as small as possible and are never reordered or split in relation to each other. In addition, a cursor may occur between simplified clusters.
The following code gives an example algorithm for calculating such clusters:
#include <graphite2/Segment.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> typedef struct cluster_t { size_t base_char; size_t num_chars; size_t base_glyph; size_t num_glyphs; } cluster_t; /* usage: ./cluster fontfile.ttf string */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rtl = 0; /* are we rendering right to left? probably not */ int pointsize = 12; /* point size in points */ int dpi = 96; /* work with this many dots per inch */ char *pError; /* location of faulty utf-8 */ gr_font *font = NULL; size_t numCodePoints = 0; size_t lenstr = strlen(argv[2]); gr_segment * seg = NULL; cluster_t *clusters; size_t ic, ci = 0; const gr_slot *s, *is; FILE *log; gr_face *face = gr_make_file_face(argv[1], 0); if (!face) return 1; font = gr_make_font(pointsize * dpi / 72.0f, face); if (!font) return 2; numCodePoints = gr_count_unicode_characters(gr_utf8, argv[2], NULL, (const void **)(&pError)); if (pError || !numCodePoints) return 3; seg = gr_make_seg(font, face, 0, 0, gr_utf8, argv[2], numCodePoints, rtl); /*(1)*/ if (!seg) return 3; clusters = (cluster_t *)malloc(numCodePoints * sizeof(cluster_t)); memset(clusters, 0, numCodePoints * sizeof(cluster_t)); for (is = gr_seg_first_slot(seg), ic = 0; is; is = gr_slot_next_in_segment(is), ic++) { size_t before = gr_cinfo_base(gr_seg_cinfo(seg, gr_slot_before(is))); size_t after = gr_cinfo_base(gr_seg_cinfo(seg, gr_slot_after(is))); int nAfter; size_t cAfter; while (clusters[ci].base_char > before && ci) /*(2)*/ { clusters[ci-1].num_chars += clusters[ci].num_chars; clusters[ci-1].num_glyphs += clusters[ci].num_glyphs; --ci; } if (gr_slot_can_insert_before(is) && clusters[ci].num_chars && before >= clusters[ci].base_char + clusters[ci].num_chars) /*(3)*/ { cluster_t *c = clusters + ci + 1; c->base_char = clusters[ci].base_char + clusters[ci].num_chars; c->num_chars = before - c->base_char; c->base_glyph = ic; c->num_glyphs = 0; ++ci; } ++clusters[ci].num_glyphs; nAfter = gr_slot_after(is) + 1; cAfter = nAfter < numCodePoints ? gr_cinfo_base(gr_seg_cinfo(seg, nAfter)) : lenstr; if (clusters[ci].base_char + clusters[ci].num_chars < cAfter) /*(4)*/ clusters[ci].num_chars = cAfter - clusters[ci].base_char; } ci = 0; log = fopen("cluster.log", "w"); for (s = gr_seg_first_slot(seg); s; s = gr_slot_next_in_segment(s)) { fprintf(log, "%d(%f,%f) ", gr_slot_gid(s), gr_slot_origin_X(s), gr_slot_origin_Y(s)); if (--clusters[ci].num_glyphs == 0) /*(5)*/ { fprintf(log, "[%zd+%zd]\n", clusters[ci].base_char, clusters[ci].num_chars); ++ci; } } fclose(log); free(clusters); gr_seg_destroy(seg); gr_font_destroy(font); gr_face_destroy(face); return 0; }
Create a segment as per the example in the introduction. | |
If this slot starts before the start of this cluster, then merge this cluster with the previous one and try again until this slot is within the current cluster. | |
If this slot starts after the end of the current cluster, then create a new cluster for it. You can’t start a new cluster with a glyph that cannot take a cursor position before it. Also don’t make a new cluster the first time around (i.e. at the start of the string). | |
If this slot ends after the end of this cluster then extend this cluster to include it. | |
Output a line break between each cluster. |
Whilst most applications will convert glyphs and positions out of the gr_slot structure into some internal structure, if graphite is to be used for justification, then it is necessary to line break the text and justify it within graphite’s data structures. Graphite provides two functions to help with this. The first is gr_slot_linebreak_before() which will chop the slot linked list before a given slot. The application needs to keep track of the start of each of the subsequent linked lists itself, since graphite does not do that. After line breaking, the application may call gr_seg_justify() on each line linked list. The following example shows how this might be done in an application.
Notice that this example does not take into considering whitespace hanging outside the right margin.
#include <graphite2/Segment.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* calculate the breakweight between two slots */ int breakweight_before(const gr_slot *s, const gr_segment *seg) { int bbefore = gr_cinfo_break_weight(gr_seg_cinfo(seg, gr_slot_after(gr_slot_prev_in_segment(s)))); int bafter = gr_cinfo_break_weight(gr_seg_cinfo(seg, gr_slot_before(s))); if (!gr_slot_can_insert_before(s)) return 50; if (bbefore < 0) bbefore = 0; if (bafter > 0) bafter = 0; return (bbefore > bafter) ? bbefore : bafter; } /* usage: ./linebreak fontfile.ttf width string */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rtl = 0; /* are we rendering right to left? probably not */ int pointsize = 12; /* point size in points */ int dpi = 96; /* work with this many dots per inch */ int width = atoi(argv[2]) * dpi / 72; /* linewidth in points */ char *pError; /* location of faulty utf-8 */ gr_font *font = NULL; size_t numCodePoints = 0; gr_segment * seg = NULL; const gr_slot *s, *sprev; int i; float lineend = (float)width; int numlines = 0; const gr_slot **lineslots; gr_face *face = gr_make_file_face(argv[1], 0); if (!face) return 1; font = gr_make_font(pointsize * dpi / 72.0f, face); if (!font) return 2; numCodePoints = gr_count_unicode_characters(gr_utf8, argv[3], NULL, (const void **)(&pError)); if (pError) return 3; seg = gr_make_seg(font, face, 0, 0, gr_utf8, argv[3], numCodePoints, rtl); /*(1)*/ if (!seg) return 3; lineslots = (const gr_slot **)malloc(numCodePoints * sizeof(gr_slot *)); lineslots[numlines++] = gr_seg_first_slot(seg); /*(2)*/ for (s = lineslots[0]; s; s = gr_slot_next_in_segment(s)) /*(3)*/ { sprev = NULL; if (gr_slot_origin_X(s) > lineend) /*(4)*/ { while (s) { if (breakweight_before(s, seg) >= gr_breakWord) /*(5)*/ break; s = gr_slot_prev_in_segment(s); /*(6)*/ } lineslots[numlines++] = s; gr_slot_linebreak_before((gr_slot *)s); /*(7)*/ lineend = gr_slot_origin_X(s) + width; /*(8)*/ } } printf("%d:", width); for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++) { gr_seg_justify(seg, (gr_slot *)lineslots[i], font, width, 0, NULL, NULL); /*(9)*/ for (s = lineslots[i]; s; s = gr_slot_next_in_segment(s)) /*(10)*/ printf("%d(%.2f,%.2f@%d) ", gr_slot_gid(s), gr_slot_origin_X(s), gr_slot_origin_Y(s), gr_slot_attr(s, seg, gr_slatJWidth, 0)); printf("\n"); } free((void*)lineslots); gr_seg_destroy(seg); gr_font_destroy(font); gr_face_destroy(face); return 0; }
Create a segment as per the example in the introduction | |
Create an area to store line starts. There won’t be more line starts than characters in the text. The first line starts at the start of the segment. | |
A simplistic approach would scan forwards using
| |
Scan through the slots, if we are past the end of the line then find somewhere to chop. | |
We use 15 (word break) as an appropriate break value. | |
Scan backwards for a valid linebreak location. | |
Break the line here. | |
Update the line width for the new line based on the start of the new line. | |
Justify each line to be width wide. And tell it to skip final whitespace (as if that whitespace were outside the width). | |
Each line is a complete linked list that we can iterate over. We can no longer iterate over the whole segment. We have to do it line by line now. |
Bidirectional processing is complex; not so much because of any algorithms
involved, but because of the tendency for applications to address bidi text
processing differently. Some try to do everything themselves, inverting the text
order, etc. While others do nothing, expecting the shaper to resolve all the
orders. In addition, there is the question of mirroring characters and where
that is done. Graphite2 adds the complexity that it tries to enable extensions
to the bidi algorithm by giving PUA characters directionality. To facilitate all
these different ways of working, Graphite2 uses the rtl
attribute to pass
various bits to control bidi processing within the Graphite engine.
gr_nobidi | gr_nomirror | Description |
0 | 0 | Runs the bidi algorithm and does all mirroring |
0 | 1 | Runs the bidi algorithm and mirrors those chars that don’t have char replacements. It also un/remirrors anything that ends up in the opposite direction to the stated text direction on input. |
1 | 0 | Doesn’t run the bidi algorithm but does do mirroring of all characters if direction is rtl. |
1 | 1 | Doesn’t run the bidi algorithm and only mirrors those glyphs for which there is no corresponding mirroring character. |
Graphite fonts have user features. These are values that can be set to control all kinds of rendering effects from choosing particular glyph styles for a group of languages to how bad sequences should be displayed to almost anything.
A font (strictly speaking a face) has a set of features. Each feature has an identifier which is a 32-bit number which can take the form of a tag (4 characters) or if the top byte is 0 a number. Also each feature can take one of a set of values. Each feature has a UI name from the name table. In addition each value also has a UI name associated with it. This allows an application to list all the features in a font and to show their names and values in a user interface to allow user selection.
Feature values are held in a FeatureVal which is a compressed map of feature id to value. The map is indexed via a FeatureRef which may be quered from a face given an id. It is also possible to iterate over all the FeatureRefs in a face.
A face has a default featureVal corresponding to each language the face supports along with a default for other languages. A face may be asked for a copy of one of these default featureVals and then it may be modified to account for the specific feature settings for a run.
#include <graphite2/Font.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { gr_uint16 i; gr_uint16 langId = 0x0409; gr_uint32 lang = 0; char idtag[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; /*(1)*/ gr_feature_val *features = NULL; gr_face *face = gr_make_file_face(argv[1], 0); int num = gr_face_n_fref(face); if (!face) return 1; if (argc > 2) lang = gr_str_to_tag(argv[2]); features = gr_face_featureval_for_lang(face, lang); /*(2)*/ if (!features) return 2; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { const gr_feature_ref *fref = gr_face_fref(face, i); /*(3)*/ gr_uint32 length = 0; char *label = gr_fref_label(fref, &langId, gr_utf8, &length); /*(4)*/ gr_uint32 id = gr_fref_id(fref); /*(5)*/ gr_uint16 val = gr_fref_feature_value(fref, features); int numval = gr_fref_n_values(fref); int j; printf("%s ", label); gr_label_destroy(label); if (id <= 0x00FFFFFF) printf("(%d)\n", id); else { gr_tag_to_str(id, idtag); printf("(%s)\n", idtag); } for (j = 0; j < numval; ++j) { if (gr_fref_value(fref, j) == val) /*(6)*/ { label = gr_fref_value_label(fref, j, &langId, gr_utf8, &length); printf("\t%s (%d)\n", label, val); gr_label_destroy(label); } } } gr_featureval_destroy(features); gr_face_destroy(face); return 0; }
The easiest way to turn a char[4] into a string is to append a nul, hence we make a char[5]. | |
Query the face for the default featureVal of the given lang or 0 for the default. The lang is a uint32 which has been converted from the string and is 0 padded (as opposed to space padded). | |
Iterate over all the features in a font querying for the featureRef. | |
Get the label in US English, for the feature name. | |
Get the id for the feature name so that applications can refer to it. The id may be numeric or a string tag. | |
Iterate over all the possible values for this feature and find the one the is equal to the value for the feature in the default featureVal. Then print out its details. |
A sample run of.
./features ../fonts/Padauk.ttf ksw
Gives this output.
Khamti style dots (kdot) False (0) Filled dots (fdot) False (0) Lower dot shifts left (lldt) True (1) Tear drop style washwe (wtri) True (1) Long U with Yayit, long UU with Hato (ulon) False (0) U and UU always full height (utal) False (0) Insert dotted circles for errors (dotc) True (1) Slanted hato (hsln) Sgaw style slanted leg with horizontal foot (1) Disable great nnya (nnya) False (0) Variant tta (vtta) False (0)
Graphite introduces guard space around diacritics. Sometimes a diacritic is wider than its base and the diacritic is in danger of crashing into clusters on either side of it. To stop that happening, graphite allows the font designer to signal that they want guard space to be ensured around a diacritic. For example, if a diacritic glyph is designed with a positive left side bearing and a positive right side bearing, the graphite engine will ensure that the cluster honours those side bearings for the diacritic. Of course, if the base character is wider than the diacritic, then no guard space is needed.
The basic principle for cluster adjustment is that if a diacritic has a non-zero advance and after positioning, the advance of the diacritic is greater than the advance of the base then the advance of the base is increased to be the same as the positioned advance of the diacritic. Likewise if the origin of the diacritic is to the left of the origin of the base character, then the cluster is adjusted so that the origin of the diacritic is now where the origin of the base character was and the base character is moved to the right. Notice that this only happens if the origin of the diacritic is to the left of where it is attached or the advance is non-zero.
In the following image, we use a dotless i with a combining tilde over it, which is wider than the dotless i. The four scenarios show how positioning the tilde and setting its advance controls the origin and advance of the attached cluster:
Each line shows the two glyphs as they are designed with the origin and advance (if any). The third element on the line is the combined cluster. Again the origin and advance for the cluster is shown with solid lines and any subglyph origins and advances that don’t coincide with a solid line, are shown dotted. Notice that we don’t show the implied attachment point used to attach the tilde to the dotless i.
The first line shows the diacritic as if it were a full base character, with positive left and right side bearings. When the glyphs attach the origin and the advance of the dotless i (shown as dotted lines) are pushed out to the origin and advance of the diacritic. Notice that graphite uses the wider advance and origin regardless of which component of the cluster they come from.
The second line shows the other extreme. Here no guard space is inserted. The diacritic is to the left of the origin and the advance is zero. The cluster origin and advance are taken from the base glyph. The dotted line shows the origin and advance of the diacritic.
These two lines are the most common cases that people want to use for rendering diacritics and whether space is automatically inserted to avoid collisions. The next two are rarely used but help to explain how the mechanism works.
The third line has guard space on the left only. For this the diacritic is drawn to the right of the origin but the advance width is set to 0. The effect is that guard space is inserted on the left, because there is a positive left side bearing (or more precisely the origin of the diacritic is to the left of the origin of the base when the two glyphs combine). Thus the dotless i origin (shown as a dotted line) is pushed out. Actually the whole cluster is pushed to the right so that the origin of the diacritic is aligned with where the origin of the base glyph was.
The fourth line gives guard space only after the diacritic. In this case, the diacritic is drawn to the left of the origin, and so no left guard space can occur, since the origin of the diacritic is to the right of the dotless i. The diacritic has also been drawn so that it finishes at the origin. This ensures that the guard space to the right is the same as the advance. It need not be. The cluster has the same origin as the base glyph. The base glyph advance is shown as a dotted line, which while not necessarily coinciding with the origin of the diacritic, will be close. Finally the advance for the cluster is the advance from the diacritic.
Since it is possible to change the advance width of a glyph (or at least for a particular instance of a glyph or slot), it is possible to dynamically control some of the guard space mechanism within GDL. It is possible to use a rule to change from both to or from left only. Likewise it is possible to use a rule to change from none to or from right only. But, unfortunately, it is not possible to shift glyphs within their drawn space and so switch between both and none, purely from GDL. == Hacking ==
In this section we look at coding conventions and some of the design models used in coding graphiteng.
To compile the graphite2 library for integration into another application framework, there are some useful utilities and also various definitions that need to be defined. The file src/ will create three make variables containing lists of files that someone will want to build in order to build graphite2 from source as part of an application build. The variable names are controlled by setting _NS to a prefix that is then applied to the variable names _SOURCES, _PRIVATE_HEADERS and _PUBLIC_HEADERS. All files are listed relative to the variable _BASE (with its _NS expansion prefix). The _MACHINE variable with its _NS expansion prefix, must be set to call or direct depending on which kind of virtual machine to use inside the engine. gcc and clang support direct call, while all other compilers without a computed goto should use the call style virtual machine. See src/direct_machine.cpp and src/call_machine.cpp for details.
Various C preprocessor definitions are also used as part of compiling graphite2:
On some Intel 32 bit processors, gcc on Linux, will attempt to optimise floating point operations by keeping floating point values in 80 bit (or larger) float registers for as long as possible. In some of the floating point maths performed for collision detection this results in error accumulating which produces different results between 64 bit and 32 bit native code. The current work around is to pass either -ffloat-store (the slow but widely compatible option) or -mfpmath=sse -msse2 (the faster but not as generic), this causes float values to be rounded between every operation or the use of sse float operations which are more strictly specified and therefore more predictable across processor generations. This has not been observed to be an issue on 32 bit MSVC or Mac 32 bit compilers and is not an issue on ARM 32 bit either.
The Graphite engine has no locking or thread safe storage. But it is possible to
use the Graphite engine in a thread safe manner. Face creation must be done in
one thread and if gr_face_preloadAll
is set, all font table interaction will
occur while the face is being created. That is no calls will be made to the
function or the release_table
function during segment creation.
References to the name table, made during calls to gr_fref_label
use an
internal copy of that table to ensure that all table interaction is completed
after gr_make_face
is called. Note that none of this precludes an application
handling thread issues around font table querying and releasing and graphite
being used in a lazy table query manner. Font objects must be created without
hinted advances otherwise the application is responsible for handling the shared
resource during segment creation. Following this, the face is a read
only object and can be shared across different threads, and so segment creation
is thread safe. Following creation, segments may be shared across threads so
long as they are not modified (using gr_seg_justify
Any use of logging will break thread safety. Face specific logging involves holding a file open for as long as logging is active, and so segments cannot be made from a shared face across different threads. Further, if gr_start_logging is called with NULL for the face, a non locked global library variable is written to which will impact across threads and all face creation. Logging should therefore only be used in a single threaded context.
Any other use of the graphite engine in a multithreaded context will involve the application in doing its own locking.
While GraphiteNG is written in C++, it is targetted at environments where libstdc++ is not present. While this can be problematic since functions used in C++ may be arbitrarily placed in libc and libstdc++, there are general approaches that can help. To this end we use a mixed memory allocation model. For graphiteng classes, we declare our own new() methods and friends, allowing the use of C++ new() and all that it gives us in terms of constructors. For types that are not classes we use malloc() or the type safe version gralloc().
There are various facilities that silgraphite provides that graphite2 as yet does not. The primary motivation in developing graphite2 is that it be use case driven. Thus only those facilities that have a proven use case in the target applications into which graphite is to be integrated will be implemented.
Graphite2 is written based on the experience of using SilGraphite. SilGraphite was written primarily to be feature complete in terms of all features that may be needed. Graphite2 takes the experience of using SilGraphite and starts from a use case requirement before a feature is added to the engine. Thus a number of features that have not been used in SilGraphite have been removed, although the design is such that they can be imported in future.
In addition, a number of techniques were used to speed up the engine. Some of these are discussed here.
During development Graphite2 is regularly checked against its test suite of over a 100 test cases. This happens automatically on every check-in to the default branch thanks to our continuous build server for Windows and Linux. Prior to each major release it’s tested using an automated fuzzing system, which checks for robustness in the face of corrupted font files. This set of fuzz tests uses valgrind to check for rogue memory accesses and runs several thousand tests on each of the 4 major test fonts and takes considerably longer to run. We also have a growing suite of fuzz test regressions culled from logs generated by the above fuzz test system, which can be run with a make command. These are intended to be run before bug fix release and other point releases.
The standard test suite, the same one run on every checkin to the graphite2 project repository, can be run with a simple:
make test
make fuzztest
These should be run before point and bug fix releases. script [fuzztest options]
This script exercises graphite over 4 scripts Myanmar, Devangari, extended Latin
and Arabic using 4 fonts and text in the Myanmar, Nepalese, Yoroba and Arabic
languages. It uses the fuzzcomparerender
script to fuzz every byte of each
font with a random value and enforce generous enough runtime and memory resource
limits to detect infinite loops or memory leaks. A successfull run of this
script will produce four empty log files. Passing --valgrind
to the script
this is passed down to the fuzztest
program which will run the test program
with valgrind, this increases the runtime of script considerably. Normally the
script can run all four tests within 24 hours, fully loading our 4 core
hyperthreaded Xeon/Core i7 system. Using the valgrind option this takes
approximately a week on the same system.
tests/fuzzcomparerender <font name> <text name> [-r] [fuzztest options]
The font name
must be the basename of a font file under tests/fonts
and the
text name
must be the basename of a text file from tests/texts
. The -r
option if present is passed to comparerenderer and tells it the text is
right-to-left. Any further options are passed to the fuzztest program, this is
typically one of --valgrind
or --input
, or less frequently --passes
or --status
. See tests/fuzztest --help
for more information. This
script runs fuzztest
so that it corrupts every byte of the required TrueType
and Graphite specific tables with a random value, but excludes OpenType and AAT
related tables. It also imposes a runtime limit of 10 seconds (most test should
compete in a fraction of a second) and a memory limit 200MiB, again a normal run
should only use a tiny fraction of that. If the comparerenderer
segfaults, exceeds those limits or returns an error value it is logged to a file
named on the following pattern: fuzzfont-<font name>-<text name>.log
, which is
written to the script’s current directory.
tests/fuzztest --font=font [options] -- <test harness>
A multiprocess fuzz test framework that generates corrupt fonts to run a user
supplied test harness against. This will check each byte in every table of a
TTF or subset of it’s tables if specified, by overwriting with a random or user
specified value. Using the --input
option it can also re-run tests using
previous output logs as input, it will ignore any line that doesn’t match the
format of a fuzz line generated by the program, so such input fuzzes can be well
annotated. It is this facility that is used to drive the make fuzztest
regression check.
By default this will try to ensure there is always one test harness running on
each OS reported core at all times, the --jobs
option can be used to limit
this if need to limit the load. Unless told otherwise the program will display a
status line inidcating the percentage of the tests run so far, the rate of
testing and an estimated time and date for completion. Once the status has
updated 4-5 times the estimate usually settles down to a frequently accurate
Fuzz regression test files are simply copies of the log generated by the
script. Once you have a log that generates a test case, you
can edit it to produce a more targeted set of fuzz lines (a log can generate
several different bugs). You should try to produce a minimal set of fuzz lines
for that particular test case, however the more fuzz lines that casue the same
bug the better.
The test case should be placed as follows:
tests/fuzz-tests/<font name>/<text name>/<bug description>.fuzz
references use an _
e.g. class_member
We now build a number of Clang libFuzzer test targets in
whenever fuzzer
is one of the sanitizers found in
. There are a series of seed inputs in the
directory each one coresponding to
one of the existing unit tests pairing a font with text and parameters. These
are binary files which consist of:
Table 1. libFuzzer target seed file-format for fuzz targets
Length | Input parameter |
<variable> | TrueType file of font |
utint16 * N | Feature values (N = number of feature ids in the font) |
uint32_t | Text Script ID |
uint8_t | UTF encoding form uint size (1,2 or 4) see |
uint32_t | Text directionality see |
uint_8_t[128] | Text in the UTF encoding form specified |
Run as follows:
cd <src>/build cp ../tests/fuzz-tests/libfuzzer-corpus corpus tests/fuzz-tests/gr-fuzz-font corpus
To rerun a test just do:
tests/fuzz-tests/gr-fuzz-font crash-test-case-produced-by-fuzzer
See the libFuzzer documentation for more advanced options standard to all libFuzzer produced fuzzing targets.